Student Complaint Procedure

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Student Complaint Procedure

If at any time during the enrollment at Lehigh Valley Barber School, students become dissatisfied with any part of the training program, they may file a formal complaint.  All complaints will be kept in school files. All students should use the following complaint procedure:

1. The student should submit in writing the complaint within 15 days of the date in which the grievance occurred.  The complaint should be submitted to the school’s director.

2. The Director will review the complaint and a meeting will be given to the student to establish a resolution.

3. If the complaint cannot be resolved at the school level, the proper agencies will be notified.

4. The Lehigh Valley Barber School takes complaints from students, clients and employees very seriously. Every attempt should be made to resolve all complaints within the school before proceeding to outside agencies. The school will keep all formal complaints on file for two accreditation cycles. Please use following procedure to handle all formal complaints:  All informal complaints are to be addressed with Administration directly. Informal complaints are not to consume class time or be discussed in front of clients.  If legal action is threatened, directly or indirectly, at any time. All communication between the student and Administration is required to be in writing.  All formal complaints should be submitted in writing to the Director of the school. The complaint should be completed with as much detailed, factual information as possible.  The Director will meet with, or respond to, the plaintiff within 10 business days. If not resolved after this meeting/response, the original complaint and any corresponding notes will be handed over to the owner of the school.  The Owner will review the information and meet with the plaintiff, if necessary. The owner will propose a reasonable resolution or inform the plaintiff the complaint is unwarranted within 21 business days.  If the plaintiff is dissatisfied with the owner’s response and chooses to pursue the matter further, they can file a formal complaint against the school with and/or the State Board of Private Licensed Schools, Department of Education. The contact information for these agencies can be found below: NACCAS National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences 3015 Colvin Street Alexandria, VA 22314 703-600-7600 Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs, PA Department of State P.O. Box 2649 Harrisburg, PA 17105 P: 717-787-8503

5. To file a complaint with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of State, fill out an Online Statement of Complaint at:

6. In order for the Department of State to initiate an investigation of possible violations of the licensing, registration, certification or notary commission laws and regulations of the Commonwealth by a licensee, registrant, certificate holder or notary commission holder of the Department, the complainant must complete this entire form. Please state the facts briefly and clearly, and be sure to submit copies of any documents you have to support your complaint.

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